Friday, July 17, 2015

Texas was right!

5 Ways to Celebrate the Takeover of Texas After Jade Helm via @artattackhp
It's time to come clean with Republicans about  "Jade Helm." Military folks hold military exercises every summer, this summer's exercise is the military exercise the President and fellow progressives have planned to take over Texas and all other "red"
states. How Republican's figured out our plans is amazing, They're smarter than we
It's important to tell Republicans what will soon happen. Guns will be seized, Confederate flags will be burned, Ted Nugent music will be smashed, all "right wing" literature will go. Voting districts all will have Mexican Americans, African Americans, young people, and atheists in them.
Fox "news" has been sold to NBC. Rachel Maddow has been put in charge of all news content for Fox. Obamacare that many Republican's are so fond of has been replaced with single-pay insurance. Local colleges are free for all students, as are summer meals and pre-k kindergarten.All military troops have been brought home from the Middle East. Half of our foreign aid has been eliminated. The defense budget has been cut by 50%. Homeland Security's budget will stay the same to keep America safe. Laws now allow the President to sign the Iran nuclear treaty. There is now no "lame duck" period
for our president. Now he can fix infrastructure, work on climate issues, ban fracking.
 Immigration laws are now in place to have an orderly flow of immigrates. The number of mental clinics and hospitals have been increased.  Drug offenders go to a minimum one-year treatment center.Minimum wage is $15 dollars an hour for everyone.
 Police will be trained by British police how to lower violence on our streets. No one can
stop a mentally ill person from bursting into a school and kill children, or burst into
any public place and kill.  Fewer people might die if Progressive folks make the rules.
So live with the takeover my Republican "friends." The President is tired and we were perfectly willing to let great states and Republicans alone. The problem is, our nation
is being destroyed one day at a time, you have to be stopped, one way or the other.
-“Hope is a belief in a better tomorrow.,”
― Lailah Gifty Akita